Website Manager

Manager & Coaches Meeting

The 2023 Manager & Coaches Required Informational Meeting will be scheduled soon.  

If you are interested in volunteering for this position please contact [email protected].  We are always looking for coaches for tee ball, softball and baseball.

Rulebook App

Rulebook App updated and FREE for the 2023 season!

The Rulebook app contains the Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies for all divisions of Baseball, Softball, and Challenger in one location. The app includes all three rulebooks, exclusive rule interpretation videos, automatic updates for future seasons and is approved for use in the dugout! Download the FREE Rulebook app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Click here for 2023 Significant Rule Changes

Player Safety

Little League efforts to create a safe and healthy environment for its players and volunteers, both on the field and off.

Little League Player Safety Resources

The Little League® Diamond Leader Program, a new initiative focused on educating volunteer coaches on their role supporting the social and emotional well-being of children, is now available for coaches everywhere to complete for the 2023 season and beyond.


Team Managers and Coaches

Coaches and Managers are key to a successful season. Thank you for volunteering for this important position!

Team Managers and Coaches are responsible for the following duties: 

  1. Have fun

  2. Performance & conduct of the team and its spectators at all team functions 

  3. Knowledge of all the rules developed by Little League International and the GCLL Board

  4. Abide by all Little League International and GCLL Rules and Bylaws

  5. Attendance at all required manager/coach meetings, inclusive of safety clinic, coaching clinic, and any other mandatory meeting as notified by the GCLL Board

  6. Attendance at the GCLL annual meeting is strongly encouraged 

  7. Assume responsibility for obtaining and returning all equipment

  8. Inspect the fields prior to the game and make necessary repairs

  9. Clean up fields, dugouts and gear sheds after games

  10. Provide a scorekeeper/scoreboard volunteer at each home game 

  11. Provide a pitch count volunteer at each visitor game 

  12. Have a parent meeting prior to start of opening day

  13. Have medical releases available during all team functions including games and practices

  14. Instill the LLI philosophy

  15. Participate in all League functions, including fundraising and work details (supporting umpiring and concessions)

  16. Be responsible for your own behavior at all League activities

  17. Promptly return equipment in good order to the designated Board Member at the end of the season

  18. Provide the following information, as provided by the Board of Directors for the purposes of continuity and compliance with Little League International policies, to each player’s parents/guardians, preferably in a team meeting prior to the start of practices:

    1.  Give practice place and times, discuss game day procedures

    2.  Discuss your goals as a manager for the team

    3.  Discuss your method of discipline, and league rules regarding game discipline

    4.  Explain minimum playing time, and pitching rules

    5.  Distribute game schedules

    6.  Assign team parent responsibilities

    7.  Give name, GCLL e-mail address, and telephone number of League Player Agent

    8.  Explain parent conduct/responsibilities, including conduct at games

    9.  Explain LLI insurance

    10.  Go over the general rules for your division

    11.  Review all-stars and tournament play procedures (Minors & above)

    12. Share League calendar of events, and team website



All Star Coach/Manager Requirements

To be eligible to be an All-Star Tournament team coach or manager, the individual shall be regular season team manager and/or coach from the same division in which they are applying.  

As a condition of eligibility for selection as a tournament team manager/coach, the regular season manager/coach must have also completed the Little League Diamond Leader Training Program.  This program must be completed prior to the individual being named a tournament team manager/coach and before participating in any practices or games.  Tournament Team managers/coaches who have completed the program should be prepared to produce the Little League Diamond Leader completion certificate if requested by the District Administrator/Tournament Director.

Prior to selection as a tournament manager/coach, you will be requested to attend a board meeting to be interviewed by the board of directors.

If you are interested in becoming an all-star tournament team manager/coach, please send an email with your interest and a copy of your Diamond Leader certification to the Board at [email protected].  

Local Sponsors

Gastineau Channel Little League

Gastineau Channel Little League, PO Box 33694
Juneau, Alaska 99803

Email: [email protected]

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